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What’s New: Out of My Mind and Out of My Heart: Books for Youth

Sharon M. Draper is a professional educator and award-winning author of the best-selling book Out of My Mind.  This heart-warming book is about a girl called Melody who has cerebral palsy and cannot walk or talk.  Melody has a photographic memory, and she is smart but no one knows it, because she cannot talk. 

Draper recently released a sequel titled Out of My Heart, that continues Melody’s journey. A speech generating device, which Melody named Elvira is introduced into her life and new adventures begin. 

Out of My Mind and Out of My Heart are recommended for ages 10 and up and for grades 5-8. Discussion guides are available from the author’s website for both books.

To learn more about the Out of My Mind and Out of My Heart books and discussion guides, click here.