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What’s New: Reasons Why your Company Should Be More Inclusive

“Many businesses today embrace diversity in the workplace but are still unaware why inclusion is equally important. While diversity is a vital core value, it will not thrive without inclusion.” These insightful words are the opening remarks in the article titled 5 Reasons Why Your Company Should be More Inclusive by Scott Clark featured in the Reworked digital publication. 

Clark states that the core values of diversity, equity and inclusion have been embraced by many companies however there is still much more work to be done. The author proposes five reasons why companies need to prioritize inclusion including:

  • Inclusion Enhances Employee Engagement

  • Inclusion Creates a Sense of Belonging

  • Inclusion Improves the Employee Experience

  • Inclusion Enhances Innovation

  • Inclusive Leaders Are More Effective Leaders

The findings of leading research and corporate experiences are interwoven to support each of the reasons for creating an inclusive culture that are identified. Clark concludes the article by stressing that inclusion is a key factor to the success of a company and strengthens its capacity to be resilient in this changing world.  

To read the article, click here.