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What’s New: Strategies to Facilitate Inclusive Classrooms

Educator and author Nicole Eredics has written a fabulous resource for teachers: a blog entitled “10 Things You Can Do to Make Your Classroom Socially Inclusive.” A leading expert on the inclusion of students with disabilities in regular classrooms, Eredics provides a list of 10 practical and easy-to-use strategies designed to create a more inclusive classroom. One example featured in the blog is to switch up the seating plan. She writes: “give students a change of scenery and someone new to work with by changing up your seating plan several times during the school year.” Experienced and aspiring educators alike will benefit from using the strategies included in the blog.

To view this blog, click here.

Eredics is also the author of the guidebook Inclusion in Action: Practical Strategies to Modify Your Curriculum. For more information about this guidebook, click here.