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What’s New: The Business Case to Build Physically Accessible Environments

The Conference Board of Canada conducted an extensive research initiative to examine the economic costs of inadequate accessibility. Its report, The Business Case toBuildPhysically Accessible Environments, presents a compelling case on the economic impact of improved accessibility. Key research findings included but were not limited to the following:

By 2030, the lift to the economy’s productive capacity due to improved workplace accessibility would result in a permanent increase in real GDP of over $16.8 billion.

The boost to labour income would lift real personal disposable income by $10.6 billion, facilitating a $10-billion increase in consumer spending.

These real GDP and income gains would also generate real revenue gains of $2.5 billion for the federal government and $1.9 billion for provincial governments.

The impact of improved workplace accessibility for individuals with disabilities is clearly presented in terms of its relationship to improved outcomes for employees, consumers, companies and the economy.

The report features case studies of businesses that have had success in advancing accessibility. The report concludes that accessibility is not just about good design but, rather, it is a powerful economic incentive that cannot be overlooked in a post-pandemic world.

To access this publication, click here.