What’s New: Ways to Teach Kids to be Inclusive

“When kids exclude others, this is a form of bullying.” This insight is featured in the article titled 11 Ways to Teach Kids to be Inclusive of Others by Sherri Gordon and featured on VeryWellFamily.com

Gordon stresses that one of the best ways to tackle exclusion is to teach children to be inclusive. Some of the ways that the author suggests to teach children to be more inclusive of others are as follows:

  • Reflect on your own perspectives on diversity. Remember, kids watch and listen to everything you do.

  • Support individuality by encouraging your children to value themselves as unique.

  • Teach your child to reach out to others.

  • Foster a diverse set of friendships, such as friends from school, sports, community, and faith-based groups and so on.

There are some interesting perspectives featured in this article that will be of interest to parents, guardians, family members and professionals.

To read the article, click here.


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