Focus On value
There is a difference between values and value, especially when it comes to creating accessible and inclusive communities and corporations.
Inclusive Tourism and Hospitality Rocks…
One of the things I really enjoyed this summer was getting out to a number of food, wine and craft beer events around Ontario. I love attending these kinds of events—food is my passion! Unfortunately, at one or two of them, I had to forego sampling a few of the culinary choices because the food stations were located on a sidewalk with a curb or on uneven terrain.
Reaching the Summit!
I have always been in awe of people who possess the enterprising spirit to climb mountains. Their adventure is about facing dangers and challenges with perseverance and courage. Those who have reached the summit describe it as exhilarating and life changing.
Inclusive Leadership Begins with Us: Roger That!
The message of my presentation was that anyone can be a leader in creating accessible and inclusive workplaces and marketplaces
Just a Small Step…
Being a wheelchair user posed safety issues for me when I was confronted with a step or an uneven surface. The tray on my wheelchair could block my view of a step or other physical barrier and could become literally a life or death situation.
Celebrating Leadership…Celebrating Our Nation
Leadership expert, William C. Taylor is quoted as saying “Leaders who make a difference are the ones who can rethink what’s possible.” Throughout my entire life, I have benefited from so many who are committed to “rethink what’s possible.”
Hey, Buddy...
Have you ever noticed that words can have a different connotation depending on the context in which they’re used? As a writer, I’m fascinated by the different ideas and feelings a word can generate along with its literal meaning. Take, for example, the word “buddy.” Depending on who is saying it and in what tone, this word can have either a positive or a negative connotation.
Accessibility With A (Young) Heart...
I have to admit there are days (usually Monday mornings before my coffee...) when, for a brief moment, I question whether it is possible to make our communities completely accessible and inclusive. I know I’m not alone. In the cynical and turbulent climate we live in, it’s easy to slip into being a “naysayer” and blame others for failing to lead the way to make the world a better place for everyone.
We’re All in This Together
Most days create quite an adventure for me as I deal with places, things and sources of information that aren’t accessible, not to mention attitudes that aren’t respectful or inclusive. Some days go better than others.
Are You Ready?
In my world, emergency preparedness is a bit of a priority. Whatever I do, wherever I go, I usually have to give some thought to my safety. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not obsessed… just vigilant.
Interest and Commitment: There’s a Difference
With all my heart, I believe that creating an accessible and inclusive community is rooted in the commitment of everyday ordinary people. By commitment, I’m not talking about a half-baked, politically correct buy-in. I’m talking about following through on a decision to bring about change that turns possibilities into reality.
Come Fly With Me
We’ve all seen those enticing airline advertisements: Let’s Fly Together… Our People Set the Bar Pretty High. Sky High in Fact… Building a Better Airline, Not Just a Bigger One… Make Every Journey Count… Welcome to Our Sky...
Unfortunately our sky is not as accessible or inclusive as it could be.