What’s New: Inclusive Education Is Hard. Do It Anyway

Think Inclusive is the official blog of the Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education Inc. (MCIE) and is a fabulous resource for educators, families, and people with disabilities.  

One poignant blog titled An Inclusion Story by Tim Villegas is based on a fable by the late Lou Brown, co-founder of TASH a non-profit organization committed to advancing equity, opportunity, and inclusion for people with disabilities.  It is a story of twin girls, Sally and Regina who are children with an intellectual disability.  When the girl’s parents divorce one went with each parent and followed different educational journeys.  This fable reminds all of us of the benefits of an inclusive education regardless of the challenges to make it happen.

To read this blog, click here

To learn more about Think Inclusive, click here

and the Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education, click here


What’s New: Measuring Workplace Inclusion


What’s New: Authentically Inclusive Marketing