What’s New: Inclusive Workplaces Tips

Grace He, Director of People &Culture at Teambuilding, shares a definition of inclusive workplaces, examples of inclusive behaviours and helpful strategies in the guide titled Inclusive Workplaces: 22 Best Examples and Tips

The author lists inclusive behaviours in the workplace including:

  • Respect and appreciate all team member’s backgrounds and cultural values

  • Organize team building activities

  • Foster a culture with authentic greetings

  •  Have open and honest conversations about unconscious bias

  • Celebrate your team’s diversity

  • Create fair and equitable pay structures

  • Encourage the use of inclusive language

  • Introduce workers to inclusion policies during onboarding

Tips and team building activities are intertwined throughout the article. A list of diversity and inclusion quotes and books are also included. The author encourages companies to remember that “As workspaces embrace diversity, companies must look into ways to enhance inclusion in the entity. Companies could start by actively championing inclusion in the workplace to meet the demands of an increasingly diverse workforce.”

To view this article, click here.


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