Realizing Possibilities…What are you waiting for?
A possibility is more than a dream or a vision. It is something that can actually happen in the here and now. Our world is filled with endless possibilities that are within our reach every day.
Become A Spark…Now is the Time
Every day we celebrate people who are a “spark” when it comes to championing diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion.
Possibilities for a Better World
A possibility is more than a dream or a vision. It is something that can actually happen in the here and now.
Focus On value
There is a difference between values and value, especially when it comes to creating accessible and inclusive communities and corporations.
Weaving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into Everything We Do
For exemplary organizations, diversity, equity, and inclusion are woven into everything they do
Are you “interested” or “committed” to diversity, equity, and inclusion?
It feels a bit of an understatement to say that the world around us is transforming in profound ways.
Living Our Gratitude Rocks!
Every day the news about the worldwide pandemic is heartbreaking, concerning and hopeful all at once. My heart is full of gratitude for the tireless and selfless efforts of so many Canadians.
Inclusive Tourism and Hospitality Rocks…
One of the things I really enjoyed this summer was getting out to a number of food, wine and craft beer events around Ontario. I love attending these kinds of events—food is my passion! Unfortunately, at one or two of them, I had to forego sampling a few of the culinary choices because the food stations were located on a sidewalk with a curb or on uneven terrain.
Naysayers… Not in My Front Row!
Recently, I attended a meeting that had been convened to address an accessibility matter. Most of the people in the room appeared to be committed to finding a positive solution to the problem. Except for one person. I’ll call him Nate the Naysayer.
What Is The Purpose of Education?
I’ve been asking this question since I was a young student. As someone who has a physical disability and is non-verbal, I found it especially important to ask, “What is the purpose of my education?”
Reaching the Summit!
I have always been in awe of people who possess the enterprising spirit to climb mountains. Their adventure is about facing dangers and challenges with perseverance and courage. Those who have reached the summit describe it as exhilarating and life changing.
Inclusive Leadership Begins with Us: Roger That!
The message of my presentation was that anyone can be a leader in creating accessible and inclusive workplaces and marketplaces
Grampy… I’m Texting
Today as I was sitting in a café enjoying a latte, my attention was caught by the conversation at the next table between an older man and a teenager I assumed were a grandfather and grandson. From their tone, it was obvious that there were differences in how each generation perceived whatever topic they were discussing. I detected passion, with a hint of humour.
Creating a Sense of Community…
Like many students, I kept a journal of my thoughts and experiences during my elementary school years. These books were filled with pictures, words and stories of my time at school. One particular event is captured in these pages.
Just a Small Step…
Being a wheelchair user posed safety issues for me when I was confronted with a step or an uneven surface. The tray on my wheelchair could block my view of a step or other physical barrier and could become literally a life or death situation.
Celebrating Leadership…Celebrating Our Nation
Leadership expert, William C. Taylor is quoted as saying “Leaders who make a difference are the ones who can rethink what’s possible.” Throughout my entire life, I have benefited from so many who are committed to “rethink what’s possible.”
A Village In My Heart…
Today, Her Honour the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, will preside at a ceremony at Queen’s Park in Toronto where I will receive the David C. Onley Award for Leadership in Accessibility in the Role Model category.
Inclusive Workplaces…It’s Our Choice to Say “YES”
Every second of every day, we have an extraordinary opportunity to create inclusive workplaces that contribute to the success of our businesses, organizations and corporations. What we know for sure is inclusive workplaces don’t just happen. They are created by inclusive leaders. It’s a simple reality. It’s our choice to say “yes” – as it always has been.
Hey, Buddy...
Have you ever noticed that words can have a different connotation depending on the context in which they’re used? As a writer, I’m fascinated by the different ideas and feelings a word can generate along with its literal meaning. Take, for example, the word “buddy.” Depending on who is saying it and in what tone, this word can have either a positive or a negative connotation.
Hollywood Sometimes “Get’s It”
Let’s face it: Hollywood struggles with the way it depicts disability in TV shows and movies. Far too often in these productions the character who has a disability is portrayed as either a hero or a dependent victim. It’s also a well-known fact that most of the characters who have a disability are played by actors who do not have a disability.